

Mimi'nin bir planı var!

Merhaba arkadaşlar, bu gün size Mimi isimli bir çizgi filminden bahs edeceğim.Tam adıyla dersek What About Mimi.

Bu çizgi film benim çocukluğumdan beri devam ediyor.Her zaman da çok büyük bir ilgiyle izliyorum.Her çizgi filmini izlemem.Bazılarından nefret ederim.Ama Mimi bana kendimi hatırlatıyor.Benim çok sevdiğim bir film olması ile beraber hem de ablamın çok
beğendiği bir çizgi film.Ablam bir çizgi filmini beğenirse bu çizgi filmi baya bir güzeldir yani.

Mimi bir animasyon çizgi filmi.Çılgın bir kızdan bahs ediyor.Kızın ismi Mimi.Starfish körfezi adlanan bir şehirde yaşıyor.Bu şehirde okula gidiyor,arkadaşları ile vakit geçiriyor.Mimi çok çılgın bir kız.Gerçekten , kimin bir şey yapması gerekiyorsa hep ona bir plan yapar.İlk planı her zaman suya düşüyor.Sonra durumları toparlıyor ama.Gerçekten çok eğlenceli.

Wikipedia'dan kopyaladığım bilgilerden Mimi ve arkadaşlarının kim olduğunu öğrene bilirsiniz.

  • Mimi Mortin (voiced by Chaira Zanni) - A red-haired 11-year old girl in the sixth grade. She's clever, optimistic, and has a powerful imagination. She's always willing to help and solve any problem that she may encounter, most of the times with creative plans and ideas. Although her plans may not always work out the way she expects them, Mimi receives a lot of help from her best friends Elaine and Russell, her family, and even her rivals, and finds a way to solve any problem.
  • Elaine Pituskin (voiced by Kori Cook) - Mimi's best friend who is of Asian descent (presumably Japanese or Chinese). She is an animal and nature lover, and owns lots of pets. She can be temperamental and argue with Mimi at times, but she always looks up to Mimi as her best friend, in turn, Mimi respects her a lot.
  • Russell Van Eden (voiced by Rhys Huber) - Mimi's other best friend and sidekick. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, who is a sports lover, although he is a bit clumsy. He has skills with his video camera and aspires to be a film director. He is shown to have a crush on Sincerity early in the series but his interest on her fades away by the end, instead hinting at being attracted to Mimi.
  • Sincerity Travers (voiced by Carly MickKillip) - A snobbish preppy teenybopper with pink hair who, sometimes, does not get along with Mimi. She and Mimi used to be friends years ago, but as they got older, their interests diverged, and they started growing apart. She is Mimi's rival in school, and although she does not get along with her, she admits that her ideas are pretty good and helps with some of her schemes. Even if she does not get along with Mimi, she has a resentful respect for her, showing that deep inside, Sincerity still considers her a true friend.
  • Brock Wickersham (voiced by Tony Sampson) - A bully who enjoys pulling pranks on various characters, especially on Herbert Finkle.
  • Budweiser "Buddy" Wickersham (voiced by Andrew Francis) - Brock's younger brother who is also a bully. It is also revealed that he is a genius, but he does not want people to find out about it, especially his big brother, saying that that fact would embarrass him in front of his family.
  • Brad "Bradley" Mortin (voiced by Keith Miller) - Mimi's 7-year old brother who knows that Mimi's plans always have flaws.
  • Jason Mortin (voiced by Samuel Minkent) - Mimi's 16-year old teenage brother who thinks of himself as an on-the-edge rebel.
  • Saffron Mortin (voiced by Ellen Kennedy) - Mimi's mother. She is a vegan, and always feeds her children vegetables.
  • Marvin "Marv" Mortin (voiced by Colin Murdrock) - Mimi's father.
  • Hayley Kinaschuk - Sincerity's "lackey", although she is kind and many times disagrees with Sincerity, and is good friends with Mimi, Elaine and Russell.
  • Herbert Finkle (voiced by Peter Kelamis) - A nerd at Mimi's school who is of Russian descent. He is in charge of the school newspaper. He's also often the target of Brock and Buddy's pranks.
  • Lodeman (voiced by Peter Kelamis) - A student at Mimi's school who tends to make rude noises and to act distracted all the time.
  • Ms. Victoria Frances Grindstone (voiced by Mindy Sterling) - Mimi's teacher.
  • Mr. Petri - A science teacher who blames Brock for everything bad (even over things Brock never did) because of his state of being a bully and for pulling multiple pranks inside of his classroom.
  • Mr. Jacques - A gym teacher.
  • Ms. Murchison - The librarian of Starfish Bay School. She and Mr. Pianoforte hate each other.
  • Principal Earl (voiced by Garry Chalk) - The principal of Starfish Bay School.
  • Mr. Pianoforte - A music teacher. He and Ms. Murchison hate each other. 
Bunlar da Wikipedia'dan aldığım bilgiler.Türkçesini bulmadığım için bunları yapıştırdım.Bunları tercüma edin lütfen.Bu hata için herkesten özür dilerim.

Mimi Mortin'in arkadaşları  Elaine Pituskin, Russel Van Edan,Hailey Kinascuhk,Herbert Finkle ve Lodeman'dır.Bunlardan en sevdiği ve birlikte okula gittiği Elaine Pituskin'di.Elaine Mimi ne zaman bir plan düşünse başlarına bir şey geleceğini anlıyor.Russel de onun sevdiği bir arkadaşı.Sincerty Travers ise hiç sevmediği biri.Hatta nefret eder.

İsterseniz izleye bilirsiniz.Mimi hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için sayfasını ziyaret ediniz. :D

 Yayınımı herkesin dilinde olan bir Mimi repliği ile bitirmek isterim:

"Mimi'nin bir planı var! :D"

Hoşça kalın! :)

Alida Marmaris

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